Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment in Clark, NJ

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Mental Health Services In Clark

Mental health affects every aspect of your life, so it’s vital to get care for behavioral and mental health disorders if they appear. The compassionate team at The Counseling Center at Clark knows how mental illness may adversely affect your life and is ready to help. Through your individualized mental health treatment plan, we’ll tailor our outpatient mental health services in Clark to focus on your unique requirements. You’ll learn more about your specific condition and cultivate better mental health with counseling and other means of support.

Skilled Mental Health Services For Adults And Teens

The Counseling Center’s outpatient mental health services for Clark are designed for adults and adolescents 14 and older who require help with their emotional and mental state. Our well-trained counselors work with patients confronting a wide extent of mental and behavioral disorders. Our outpatient facility provides day and evening therapy sessions to accommodate your busy life.

Behavioral And Mental Health Disorders We Treat

Our credentialled counselors are skilled at handling mental health conditions including:


  • Depression and additional mood disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Attention-deficit and attention-deficit hyperactive disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Trauma
  • Personality disorders
  • Addiction and substance use disorders


Effective Mental Health Services In Clark

At The Counseling Center, we offer mental health services in Clark to explore all facets of mental well-being. If you enroll in our program, we’ll design a personalized plan of proper kinds of therapy for your needs. You’ll be guided by licensed therapists who take interest in you as a unique individual and use evidence-based techniques to give treatment to and teach you about your mental conditions.

Individual Therapy

Each person faces a unique set of obstacles when addressing their mental health. Individual therapy sessions in Clark let you delve into your particular impediments with a knowledgeable clinician. In this one-on-one setting, you may converse freely with a specialist in confidence to better understand yourself and your ailments, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and gain the perspectives you require to live a happier and healthier life.

Group Therapy

Dealing with a mental illness will often feel lonely. In group therapy, you will see that you aren’t alone. Our group therapy sessions consist of no more than fifteen people, and a trained therapist will discuss the highs and lows of a life impacted by mental disorders. Together, you are able to share common experiences and resolutions for the problems members of the group are dealing with. Essentially, we hope you’ll gain insight from and feel supported by your fellow attendees.

Family Therapy

The difficulties caused by mental disorders will often have an impact on all members of a family. We encourage individuals in our care to attend family counseling with their loved ones for everyone’s benefit. By attending sessions with our family specialists, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of the disorders that run in your family
  • See how to cope with the difficulties of mental disorders at home
  • Explore how to avert triggers
  • Develop healthy communication skills
  • Rebuild trust

Individualized Outpatient Mental Health In Clark

You won’t find one universal method that makes sense for all patients, so the staff at The Counseling Center at Clark strives to determine the ideal blend of therapies for you. Whenever you enroll in our program, we’ll perform an extensive appraisal to gain an understanding of your mental condition, needs, and objectives. In a collaborative manner, we’ll discuss what established therapies and medications will let you better control your mental disorders and maintain stability. We also balance therapy with your normal activities to minimize the difficulty of juggling treatment with other commitments.

Find Help From Mental Health Services In Clark Now

Nobody needs to suffer from mental illness alone. Help is within reach now. Place a call to 732-605-6029 or complete the form on this page for a prompt answer. No matter the hour or day, someone will be there to assist you if you contact us.

Are You Depressed?

It can be hard to tell the difference between feeling sad and experiencing depression. Even if you've been diagnosed with depression before, you can still experience treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Take this quick, confidential assessment to better understand your feelings.